OECD Skills Outlook 2019 Report | Eummena
OECD Skills Outlook 2019 Report

The report presents digitalisation as a great potential to boost productivity. With comprehensive and coordinated policies, countries can establish a ground for the new technologies into better outcomes for the society. Also, this great potential means that with digitisation inequalities might increase if some regions or some people are left behind.

Some Key Highlights of the Report, are the following:

  • Literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills in technological environment is key to reap most benefits of internet use and to use internet in a diversified and complex ways.
  • Digital transformation is creating new opportunities and jobs, and getting the full benefit of digitalisation will depend on the ability of each country to develop a set of relevant policies to adapt workers to the changes and develop relevant skills
  • A growing number of workers will need to move from highly intensive low-skilled routine occupations to high-level, non-routine cognitive skill occupations, which the latter is growing with the digitisation in many sectors
  • Training policies are key to facilitate the transition of workers into higher quality jobs. Governments, through policies, needs to balance labour mobility and job stability.
  • With a small training effort, just over half of the occupations can be transitioned.
  • In countries in which the individuals and workers lack the foundational digital skills, lifelong learning systems needs to be strengthened to enable upskilling or reskilling.
  • Teacher’s digital competencies are crucial to make most out of new technologies in the classroom.

Eummena is working on a series of projects that are quite relevant to the report outcomes. We are consulting on large-scale digital transformation projects that will be affecting the future of jobs in specific countries. To this extent, the outcomes of this report are deeply relevant to the foundations of our work. We are trying to create new opportunities for the youth, leading them to new careers, careers of the 21st century, that will challenge the foundations of work as we have known them for quite some time.

Eummena is supporting its clients and partners in policy and framework building to ensure countries can adapt to the changes that digitization brings. We are also actively seeking to complement Teacher’s digital competencies in different parts of the world to ensure most efficient use of technology in education.

Do you want to check out the report for yourself? Here’s a link for you!

OECD Skills Outlook 2019 Report
Eummena 14 Μαΐου 2019
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