Moodle Workplace: New kid on the block! | Eummena
Moodle Workplace: New kid on the block!

Hopefully, some of you will get the 1990s reference to New Kids on the Block, and some others, won’t! Moodle Workplace is somewhat of a new kid on the block of the Moodle offerings!

As Moodle explains it here, Moodle Workplace is intended for all those companies that are looking for an effective learning solution for training and development.

What does this mean, you ask? Well, with Moodle Workplace, you can (again reflecting from the previous article):

  • Create and deliver training for your employees and support onboarding processes
  • Share existing as well as new knowledge across your organization and help your employees towards developing specific skillsets that will add value to your business
  • Offer your training or professional development without time and place constraints, as your employees have the flexibility of accessing your training system from anywhere on any device
  • Still, need this “something” extra? You’re covered! You can customize your LMS to reflect and strengthen your company’s processes and structure
  • Last but not least, Moodle Workplace is here to help you maximize your learning and development strategy

That’s swell! But, do I really need Moodle Workplace?

Well, as Moodle brilliantly puts it, if you have organizational learning and development programs in your organization and you want a full functionality learning management system (LMS) based on the most-used LMS in the world (Moodle) but fine tuned for organizational learning, Moodle Workplace may be ideal for you.

And if we can offer a reason or two:

  • If you’re looking to build clear development paths within your company structure, if you’re a firm believer in growing your people, Workplace can help you do that. It can also help you keep your personnel up-to-date with recurring certifications they need,
  • Do you want to automate the aforementioned process, and support it with thorough and detailed reports? Avoiding administrative burden? If yes, there’s another reason for using Workplace,
  • Do you want a platform that will integrate well with your existing HR systems?
  • Finally, are you a company that operates beyond time and place restrictions? Do you want to offer flexible training to your employees? Well, surprise, the answer is Workplace once more!

If you are convinced by now, know that Moodle Workplace is currently offered only through a Moodle Partner, unlike Moodle Core, so if you want to use it, you have to get in touch, well, with us! If you have more questions on Moodle Workplace, take a look at some Frequently Asked Questions here, or reach out to us and we’ll help in any way we can!

If you want to hear all of this, and then some, from Martin Dougiamas himself, here’s his talk in MoodleMootIEUK, presenting Moodle Workplace!


Moodle Workplace: New kid on the block!
Eummena 7 Οκτωβρίου 2019
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