Why do teachers love Moodle? “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important” — Bill Gates. One of the many quotes that exemplify the teacher sign... EdTech Moodle
Stories from Moodle Dev: Moodle Event Monitoring As our technical team works on Moodle, we find ourselves tackling issues that may be of interest to other developers. As a part of the Moodle community and advocators of openness, we decided to share... Moodle Moodle Customization Moodle Installation
Stories from Moodle Dev: The Antivirus MIME Blocker As our technical team works on Moodle, we find ourselves tackling issues that may be of interest to other developers. As a part of the Moodle community and advocators of openness, we decided to shar... Moodle Moodle Customization Moodle Installation
Reflection on World Bank Group Report: Learning to Realise Education’s Potential One of our mottos in Eummena is that we always strive to realise the human potential. And by that, we mean also our own potential, as individuals but also as a team. Therefore, in the context of ... Consulting EdTech Research Strategy
Stories from Moodle Dev: The Tale of the User with no Email As our technical team works on Moodle , we find ourselves tackling issues that may be of interest to other developers. As a part of the Moodle community and advocators of openness, we decided to shar... Dev Moodle Story
Eummena is now a certified Moodle Partner Moodle welcomes the non-profit European research corporation Eummena to the Moodle Partner Program. Eummena will join the Moodle Partner program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) effective immediately. Moodle Moodle Educator Certificate Strategy UAE
Eummena in the 1st Palestine Creative AI Week It was just one week ago, when we travelled to Ramallah in Palestine , to be a part of the first Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Week , ever organized in Palestine! We have been hono... Bootcamp Hakathon Machine Learning Week Palestine Palestine Creative AI Week
Eummena has a new website In order to improve page-load performance and ensure better security, the Eummena website has been completely revamped. It now uses Hugo, a static site generator, instead of Wor... Eummena New website
OECD Skills Outlook 2019 Report The report presents digitalisation as a great potential to boost productivity. With comprehensive and coordinated policies, countries can establish a ground for the new technologies into better outcom... Consulting EdTech Research Strategy
PISA redefining testing standards It is right now a question on how to approach assessment and measurement policies in light of the recent changes of the new competencies that are becoming of interest in the education community. Eumme... EdTech PISA Standards
Eummena @BETT 2019 Much like this DMC DeLorean that you see in our featured photo, symbolising this very future of education! We hopped inside, set the destination year, and launched ourselves towards what the future ho... EdTech