Teacher Academy Project - Teaching Sustainability
Teacher Academy Project - Teaching Sustainability
Stories from our kick-off meeting

This week, we had the pleasure of attending the kick-off meeting of our brand new EU-funded project, called "Teacher Academy Project - Teaching Sustainability". TAP-TS for short! Our role in the project bifold. One part of it, is to support the Teacher Academy through our Moodle solutions and the other is to support in the content creation and the organisation of a series of online workshops, targeting teachers and their professional development. 

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True to our commitment of empowering educators, we supported TAP-TS in becoming one of the first European Projects to get access to Moodle 4.0. Our partners are already using the platform to collaboratively create material for teacher training on sustainability topics. Moodle will also serve as the project website and a hub for all the teachers that will be involved in the project, to create their own communities and work together.

Our kick-off meeting lasted for 3 days, and despite it being fully online, gave us the opportunity to really connect with our colleagues from other partners, to engage in meaningful discussions and share our common passion for the project success. We are looking forward to 3 years of great work and more importantly of significant impact on the way teaching on sustainability is carried out on a European and global level.  

We are delighted to be able to offer Moodle LMS as a solution that will serve the needs of a European project, adding TAP-TS to the long list of EU projects we are already serving with our solutions. 

If you are interested in taking advantage of the endless capabilities of Moodle for your own project, don't hesitate to get in touch with our team. We will be happy to discuss more about this and share our previous experience.

Project ID: 101056248 — TAP-TS — ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PEX-TEACH-ACA

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WebOps 26 Οκτωβρίου 2022
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Uniplay Learning Experience is conforming with Moodle 4.0