Welcome Moodle version 3.11 | Eummena
Welcome Moodle version 3.11

Thanks to the hard work of the Moodle HQ team, and well-coordinated contributions of the Moodle international community, the new version 3.11 is just around the corner. It will be this Monday, May 17th 2021, that everyone will be able to download, install or upgrade to the new version!

Congrats to Moodle HQ, for releasing the new version right within the planned schedule, especially considering that in 2021 the majority of HQ developers are focused on the UX improvements that are scheduled for Moodle 4.0.

Along with numerous security fixes, usability improvements and new features, at Eummena we picked the following:

  • A long awaited fix to prevent malicious sites luring students to provide their credentials and attempt to reveal unpublished grades
  • Major upgrades for the Student activity completion (details below)
  • Enhanced integration of H5P within the “content bank” (screenshot 1 below)
  • Improved support for badges, including compliance with the Open Badges v2.1 protocol (screenshot 2 below)
  • New feature to change play rate of audio and videos (screenshots 3 and 4 below)
  • Better support for custom profile fields (screenshot 5 below)
  • Numerous improvements for the Quiz activity (which are very relevant, especially with most exams being fully online during the pandemic!)
  • Improved accessibility, including the accessibility checker starter toolkit (screenshot 6 below)
  • Several usability and performance improvements

You can read all the details for the new release on the Moodle’s releases page (security fixes will be announced shortly after the release).

About the “Student activity completion” feature

For Moodle 3.11 the MUA (Moodle User Association) voted for a project aligned with Moodle’s planned UX/UI improvements. Most of the improvements will be released with Moodle 4.0, which is scheduled for November 2021. In collaboration with the MUA, it was agreed there is an opportunity to deliver some UX/UI improvements already for Moodle 3.11.

As a result, the MUA project for Moodle 3.11 focused on improving the student course experience. In particular, the focus was on making it more obvious to the student what the requirements are to complete each activity, and in doing so, making it more obvious what the requirements are to complete the course.

You can read more details on Moodle docs.

Screenshots from Moodle v3.11

Screenshot 1 - Extended features for H5P

Screenshot 2 - Moodle 3.11 is now fully compliant with Open Badges v2.1  

Screenshot 3 - With the new “rate controls”, learners can now change the playback speed of audio …

Screenshot 4 - … and video alike! A great tool, especially for language learning :-)  

Screenshot 5 - Moodle 3.11 enhances support for custom profile fields,
that can be used in the registration form, reports, for filtering of users etc.

Screenshot 6 - Moodle 3.11 improves even further its support for Accessibility, with the great accessibility checker toolkit  

Welcome Moodle version 3.11
Eummena 14 Μαΐου 2021
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