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Naace Accreditation

Eummena is the exclusive partner of Naace, the National Education Technology Association of the United Kingdom, to provide the Naace services for institutional education technology maturity in the Middle East & Africa (MEA) Region. 

Apply for Naace SRF now!

We provide schools, universities, academies, and training organizations with:

Self-Review Framework (SRF): The SRF is an online tool that institutions can use to assess and benchmark their use of technology. It enables institutions to identify where they are and shows the practical steps they can take to improve their use of technology. The Self-review Framework provides a structure for reviewing an institution's use of technology and its impact on institution improvement. It is designed to support ALL institutions.

NaaceMark: A United Kingdom nationally recognized quality accreditation that institutions can achieve once they reach a certain level of maturity and have completed the commentary sections in the online Self-review Framework tool. The NaaceMark recognizes good practice in all areas of the use of technology across the school curriculum and management. The accreditation celebrates the considerable achievement of schools that have developed their use of technology to support learning to represent solid good practice.

The main pillar for institutional maturity is the Self-Review Framework (SRF). A practical evaluation framework that helps institutions assess their achievements and opportunities for improvement in the EdTech field. The SRF consists of six elements:

  1. Leadership and management
  2. Teaching and learning with technology
  3. Assessment of digital capability
  4. Digital safeguarding
  5. Professional development
  6. Resources and technology

What is the process to follow?

Institutional Improvement and the effective use of Educational Technology are at the heart of what Eummena supports our membership with. We advocate for institutions to take up the Self-Review Framework (SRF) maturity model to prompt self-reflection to:

  • Understand where they are in their education technology strategy
  • Plan the next stages of their educational technology strategy
  • Record their progress

After that, a NAACE-certified assessor will validate the institution’s scores. Once this process is finished, institutions can apply for further accreditation and recognition of their improvement:

The NaaceMark is an accreditation available to institutions that have achieved level 2 across all elements of the Naace Self Review Framework (SRF). Institutions will be notified of the opportunity to apply for the NaaceMark accreditation via the SRF Online system once they have reached the required level.

The institution will then be evaluated by a NAACE-certified assessor during a virtual assessment visit (VAV). During this process, the assessor will interview selected stakeholders and, if possible, shadow some of the learning/training sessions to get a better view of how the process takes place. Upon successful accreditation, the validity is 3 years, then a follow-up VAV will be conducted.

If exceptional performance is encountered during the VAV, the assessor can nominate the institution for the Third Millennium Learning Award (3MLA), which enables institutions to demonstrate how they are providing an education fit for the 21st century. It celebrates institutions’ achievements in creating an environment and curriculum that stimulate learning experiences, making use of the opportunities presented by technology.

To learn more about the Naace Accreditation process, download the Naace Services leaflet!

Are you interested in more information related to Naace?

 Contact us and our representatives will get in touch with you to discuss your requirements.

Launch the NAACE SRF Tool    

To learn more about Naace, download the Naace brochure