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MootGlobal22: Day 3
see you next year!

After an amazing party that concluded day 2, the final day of the Global Moot, started a bit later than usual, but with the same energy level. Shalimar Anderson from Moodle US, kicked off the day with a keynote on "Learning Management Systems: What does the future hold?". 

As every day, we split into the different rooms, to take in as many sessions as we could. Below, you can find a short recount of the sessions we followed, and the most noteworthy presentations.

MoodleNet / Moodle Apps @ 11:30-13:00

In the first presentation, Paul Hodgson from Moodle, presented updates from MoodleNet, and informed us that the second version of the platform will come soon. MoodleNet is a federated and flexible Open Education Technology platform for curating collections of the best known Open Educational (and other) Resources. MoodleNet will allow for federated search, probably in its next version (3). A big pilot is being run in Japan, for a nation-wide repository of resources.

In the last talk of the session, we were impressed with the presentation from Valentin Koser and Harald Schnurbusch from RWTH Aachen, on their work with the Card Box plugin for Moodle. The Card Box activity can help your students memorize vocabulary, technical terms, formulas and definitions. 

In this session, we had the pleasure of following not one, but two very interesting presentations. The first one, from Sam Taylor, focused on how you can use the free-to-use library of bootstrap components within Moodle, to make your courses more appealing, without the need to be a developer. Actually, the overarching message of the session was this: "Bootstrap is not just for devs!". In this session, lots of teachers and learning designers, were able to enhance the presentation and look-and-feel of their courses, without additional plugins or CSS. 

In the second talk of the session, Sam Suresh presented how Moodle LMS can be connected to Wordpress. In such a situation, Wordpress would serve as a storefront for your Moodle LMS, allowing you to deploy many features, such as payment gateways, discounts and coupons and other marketing tools, including a course catalogue that can be easily customised and adapted. 

As Eummena has also supported this integration for many of our clients, we really appreciated this session as it pointed out to people, the endless possibilities that can come from integrating Moodle with Wordpress.

In this session, we were particularly impressed by the work presented by Richard Osborne and Clive Young from University College London. We were introduced to ABC Learning Design that are high energy hands-on curriculum development workshop developed in UCL. The aim of the teaching teams that are formed is to create a visual 'storyboard' in 90 minutes. 



Richard also discussed the APT methodology which is a structured way of thinking about the differing components within a digital educational ecosystem, using principles from ecological psychology, designed to align the needs of teachers and learners with the affordances of digital technologies. 

In the other talk that inspired us, during this session, Roger Segu presented his plugin, called Components for Learning, which is an enhancement for the Atto editor that provides a collection of visual components designed explicitly for Learning. These components include do/don't cards, key concepts, reminders, tags, attention, due dates, expected feedback, etc. A very useful extension that allows course creators to elevate their courses on a different level.

Last but not least, for our reporting on the Global Moot, the H5P session. In the first talk, Ståle Hegna talked about how a Moodle platform in Norway, used by 206 municipalities and more than 460.000 users, engaged their users by utilising H5P activities. Course presentation, interactive video and different assessment tools were used and were warmly accepted, especially by the health care employees in the municipalities.

Following this talk, we were exposed to a virtual escape room, that was created using H5P! Edward Bolton and co-authors Kassie Cigliana and Tom Gray. The authors have used H5P activities that are connected together through completion restrictions, where to see the next activity, one needs to complete the previous one. Through this sequence, the teams participating in this escape room, felt highly engaged and motivated and actually this approach boosted their competitive spirit.

Altogether, the H5P session included amazing presentations with great insights on how H5P can be used to transform a Moodle course and create amazing results. In all our conversations and meetings with existing or prospective clients, we always advocate in favour of H5P and we will continue to do so, as we are firm believers on the value it brings for the course creators and the learners. 

If you are interested in learning more about how you can boost your courses with H5P, feel free to reach out through our contact page.

And with that, we bid farewell to the Global Moodle Moot of 2022. We hope that we have managed to convey some of the atmosphere of the event and that we have intrigued you enough, to want to join the 2023 edition. 

 ¡Hasta luego!

Global Moot

Eummena, Solutions October 12, 2022
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MootGlobal22: Day 2
a day-long party